Train on Thursday: Hide me Among the Graves, Tim Powers

I travel with public transport on regular base. One of my favourite past times when in bus or train besides reading is checking out what other people read. I usually look these books up (especially when someone is so hooked they don't notice me checking them out) to see if they would be something for me. In this weekly I will introduce you to the books I spotted while travelling.
If you want to join in this weekly feel free to write your own post on the books you spot. That can be anywhere, in the park, on the street, in line at the book store / library. There is a linky in the bottom to link up your post or you can leave a comment!

Hide Me Among the Graves, Tim Powers cover
Winter, 1862. A malevolent spirit roams the cold and gloomy streets of Victorian London, the vampiric ghost of John Polidori, the onetime physician of the mad, bad and dangerous Romantic poet Lord Byron. Polidori is also the supernatural muse to his niece and nephew, poet Christina Rossetti and her artist brother Dante Gabriel.
But Polidori's taste for debauchery has grown excessive. He is determined to possess the life and soul of an innocent young girl, the daughter of a veterinarian and a reformed prostitute he once haunted. And he has resurrected Dante's dead wife, transforming her into a horrifying vampire. The Rossettis know the time has come – Polidori must be stopped. Joining forces with the girl's unlikely parents, they are plunged into a supernatural London underworld whose existence they never suspected.
 This book does look interesting. I had to admit that I immediately looked it up in the book store because we were on our way there but as I still have a lot of books I did not buy it but it is actually on my shelves now and cannot wait to read it!

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15 October, 2013 delete

Is this like a horror type of thing? I just saw posession... :(

16 October, 2013 delete

It does have an horror indication yes :)
